Water Treatment Plant

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Water Treatment Plant

Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Pune From Maharashtra

Panse Consultant is one of the most prominent manufacturers of water treatment plant in Pune from Maharashtra. According to requirements, we design, manage, construct and supply standardized water treatment plants for industrial and commercial applications.

Top benefits:

  • Purify the water at high level and helps to improve quality of the water
  • Removal of contaminants like dust, inorganic substances, junks from the water.
  • Eliminates unwanted minerals and keeps water clean and safe.
  • Allows humans for drinking and irrigation use.
  • Prevent diseases that have occurred due to dirty or hard water. These diseases include diarrhea, dysentery, polio, kidney stones etc.

Main steps of water treatment plant:

There are main 4 steps included in water treatment viz Coagulation and Flocculation, Sedimentation, Filtration, Disinfection

1.Coagulation and Flocculation

This is the first step of water treatment that allows the addition of chemicals which helps to neutralize the negative charge of dirt and other solid dissolved particles in the water.

2. Sedimentation

In sedimentation, Floc (the particles that are bound with chemicals) are settled down at the bottom of the water supply.

3. Filtration

After sedimentation, the remaining clear water at the top will transfer through the filters which involves compositions like sands and charcoal. This process helps to eliminate dissolve contaminants such as dust, bacteria and chemicals from the water.

4. Disinfection

To kill remaining hazardous parasites, viruses and bacteria, a disinfectant like chloramine chloramine or chlorine will be added in the filtered water and supply protective, clean water to houses, industries and buildings through pipes.

Areas where water treatment plant are required:

  • Industrial water supply
  • Municipal Corporation
  • Irrigation field
  • River flow maintenance