MBR Technology

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MBR Technology

Membrane Bio Reactor is a combination of membrane seperation like microfiltration or ultrafiltration and a biologically activated sludge process, which results in achieving significantly low organic constituents in treated filtered wastewater.

Membrane bioreactor (or popularly called as MBR) has gained wide acceptance as new technology for waste water treatment system. MBR has many advantages like superior product water quality, smaller space for installation and easier operation compared to conventional activated sludge process (ASP). The sludge yield in MBR process is very low. The quality of effluent in MBR is much superior to conventional ASP. The effluent from MBR can be reused for industrial application after RO (Reverse osmosis) Treatment.

MBR can operate at much higher MLSS (Mixed liquor suspended solids) compared to conventional ASP, as a result the biological reaction is faster and high organic load is decomposed in shorter time or in smaller space, Additionally as the system operates at higher MLSS, the sludge yield is quite low which results in saving in operational cost of the system.